Professor of Finance
University of Colorado Boulder's Leeds School of Business
(tony [dot] lastname [at]
Curriculum Vita
Data and Programs
I am a Professor of Finance at University of Colorado Boulder's Leeds School of Business, where I have worked since 2013. My research is empirical and aims to understand how households, investors and firms make decisions using financial products. An important recent focus of my research is to understand new technologies, notably social media platforms, and the way these technologies shape human behavior. This page presents abstracts and links to all of my research, starting with my working papers, followed by a listing of my published papers.
I believe that junior scholars are critical to bringing new ideas to the table, and also, feedback and exposure are invaluable elements of that. In line with this, I co-founded the Colorado Finance Summit in 2015 and ran a series of virtual conferences (Finance in the Cloud) during the early stages of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
I am an editor at Review of Corporate Finance Studies, a director of the Financial Research Association, an associate editor at the Journal of Financial Economics, an associate editor at the Management Science, a Research Committee Member of Finance, Organizations and Markets, and an associate editor at Financial Management. I am a former director of the Center for Research on Consumer Financial Decision Making, which hosts the Boulder Summer Conference annually in Boulder.
Working Papers
Abstract. Most homeowners do not have enough insurance coverage to rebuild their house after a total loss. Using contract-level data from 24 homeowners insurance companies in Colorado, we show wide differences in average underinsurance across insurers that persist conditional on policyholder characteristics. Underinsurance matters for disaster recovery. Across households that lost homes to a major wildfire, each 10 p.p. increase in underinsurance reduces the likelihood of filing a rebuilding permit within a year by 4 p.p.. To understand why consumers purchase underinsured policies, we build a discrete choice insurance demand model. The results suggest that policyholders treat insurers that write less coverage as if they set lower premiums, forgoing options to get more coverage at the same premium from other insurers – a pattern we call coverage neglect. Our findings suggest that coverage limits are either not salient to consumers or difficult to estimate without the input of insurance agents. Under a counterfactual without coverage neglect, consumer surplus increases by $290 per year, or 10% of annual premiums, on average.
Abstract. Using data from The Motley Fool's social prediction platform, CAPS, we find substantial differences in stock predictions across investment horizon. Short-horizon investors react more than twice as much as long-horizon investors to earnings surprises and technical view events. Around acquisition rumors, short- and long-horizon investors update in opposite directions about the target: short-term investors become more optimistic, while long-term investors become more pessimistic. Motivated by these findings, we develop a firm-day measure of \textit{horizon disagreement}, spanning from 2006 to 2022, and find it relates significantly to abnormal trading. Additionally, the disagreement-trading relation strengthens on earnings announcement days, providing new evidence on the role of model disagreement.
Abstract. We study how market returns shape news consumption, employing 700 million pageviews over 27 months from Australia's largest financial newspaper, the Australian Financial Review. Aggregate news consumption intensifies on days when the Australian market index decreases, led by a dramatic spike in consumption of markets news. By contrast, firm-specific news consumption declines when the aggregate market moves more (up or down). These findings imply aggregate and firm-specific news are substitutes for one another, consistent with theories of limited attention. These news consumption effects are strongest for fresh news, but they are also present for stale news articles on days when there are no articles about the firm.
Market signals from social media (with Runjing Lu, Will Mullins and Marina Niessner). Coming soon. Slides.
Abstract. This paper develops daily market-wide sentiment and attention indexes using the content of millions of posts from major investor social media platforms. Our daily indexes predict market-wide returns and trading over the next 20 days, and the dynamics of sentiment differ from those of attention. A standard deviation increase in sentiment predicts a 37 basis point lower 20-day return for the S&P500 index, reflecting a reversal of the market run-up that precedes high sentiment. Greater attention also predicts negative returns, but as a continuation of previous trends. A dynamic trading strategy based on these signals delivers a Sharpe ratio of 1.2. The indexes also predict aggregate trading activity in distinct ways: abnormal trading is greater when sentiment is low and attention is high, consistent with bad news driving increases in aggregate trading. Moreover, we find that sentiment responds strongly to recent returns, but this impact is driven primarily by negative market jumps.
Mentions: New York Times (1, 2), Wall Street Journal, KQED Forum, CU Boulder Today 9News, Denver's Fox31 News, KUNR Radio, Daily Camera, The Atlantic, The Guardian, CBC's The Current (segment starts at minute 47)
Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Finance.
Abstract. Person-to-person charity has grown substantially, yet little is known about who benefits from it. Using data on crowdfunding campaigns linked to individual credit records, we ask whether crowdfunding helps people in greater need after a major wildfire. Holding losses fixed, high-income beneficiaries (top-tercile) receive 25% more support and are more likely to have a campaign than low-income beneficiaries (bottom-tercile). Our tests attribute these income differences to several network advantages of high-income beneficiaries, particularly offline connections. These differences matter because more crowdfunding is associated with faster recovery, and these micro mechanisms are also consistent with evidence in a national sample.
Social media as a bank run catalyst (with Corbin Fox, Javier Gil-Bazo, Juan Imbet, and Christoph Schiller). SSRN. Slides. FDIC Slides.
Mentions: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times (1, 2), TechNewsWorld, SF Chronicle, Money, Axios, CNBC, Fortune, Kiplinger, KCBS Radio, CNN International, Yahoo! Finance (TV), NBC Bay Area.
Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Financial Economics.
Abstract. After the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), U.S. regional banks entered a period of significant distress. We quantify social media's role in this distress using comprehensive Twitter data. During the SVB run period, banks with high pre-existing exposure to Twitter lost 4.3 percentage points more stock market value. Moreover, Twitter pre-exposure interacts significantly with classical run risks to predict greater run severity and greater deposit outflows during Q1 2023, effects unexplained by other banking or market characteristics. At the hourly frequency during the run, high Twitter attention over the past four hours predicts stock market losses, especially for banks with high run risks. By contrast, we find that negative Twitter sentiment does not amplify bank run risks. Rather, our evidence points to a distinctive role of Twitter attention by tech community members who are likely depositors in SVB, as well as tweets that mention running and contagion.
Abstract. Disagreement is pervasive in financial markets. This paper highlights the properties of daily disagreement and daily attention measures derived from the investor social network StockTwits. Daily disagreement and trading volume are strongly related to one another, both in the sample used in Cookson and Niessner (2020) and out of sample through 2021. Disagreement among investors using different investment strategies as well as within them each relate to trading volume, but within-strategy disagreement exhibits a stronger relationship. These findings all hold after controlling for attention, which is also positively related to daily trading volume.
Do I really want to hear the news? Public information arrival, ambiguity and investor beliefs (with Azi Ben Rephael and Yud Izhakian). SSRN. SocArXiv. Slides. Conference Slides.
Abstract. This paper shows that public information arrival affects investor beliefs and disagreement through a new channel: the uncertainty of beliefs (UOB). Based on novel daily measurement of belief uncertainty and disagreement, disagreement and trading are lower when UOB is higher.Higher UOB also dampens the relationship between disagreement and trading volume. The pa-per also highlights novel patterns of disagreement and trading around public news. For clarifying news like earnings announcements, information arrival reduces UOB, which naturally amplifies disagreement and trading. Consistent with learning, UOB decreases more for events with more attentive investors and for firms with a better information environment. By contrast, unscheduled events with opaque information information increase UOB while decreasing disagreement and trading.
Abstract. We study how firm ambiguity—Knightian uncertainty—affects investor trading behavior using the options market as a laboratory. Greater ambiguity in the underlying asset negatively relates to both options open interest and options trading volume. The reduction in options trading activity is stronger for options with shorter maturities and out-of-the-money options that are hard-to-value. Greater ambiguity is also associated with a reduction in the informativeness of options trading for future stock prices, and it is associated with lower delta-hedged options returns for both puts and calls. The effect of ambiguity is distinct from and contrasts with the well-documented effect of risk, and shares a similar economic significance. These findings illustrate that even sophisticated market participants, like options traders, are influenced by ambiguity to limit their market participation and trade less.
Abstract. Using high-frequency disagreement data from the investor social network StockTwits, we find that greater investor disagreement facilitates informed trading by activists and short sellers. These findings are unexplained by sentiment, news and retail order flow, and they remain when we measure disagreement overnight, which alleviates concern that disagreement and informed trading respond to a common shock. When short selling is costly, the facilitating effect of disagreement on trading is dampened for informed buyers but is amplified for sellers. These findings suggest that informed traders respond meaningfully to valuation changes induced by disagreement.
Abstract. Speculative language in corporate disclosures can convey valuable information on firms’ fundamentals. We evaluate this idea by developing a measure for speculative statements based on sentences marked with the "weasel tag" on Wikipedia. In the 16-week test period after filing, greater use of speculative statements in 10-Ks predicts higher and non-reverting abnormal returns, more insider and informed buying, and higher news sentiment. These findings imply that managers' usage of speculative language in 10-Ks reflects voluntary disclosure of their private information about the positive prospects of events when market implications of the events are uncertain and thus have room for (re)interpretation.
Abstract. This paper studies whether social media sentiment predicts merger withdrawals. We find that a standard deviation increase in social media sentiment after a merger announcement is associated with a 0.64 percentage points lower probability of withdrawal (16.6% of the average). This effect is unexplained by abnormal price reactions, traditional news, and analyst recommendations. Consistent with manager learning, the informativeness of social media strengthens after firms start corporate Twitter accounts. The informativeness is driven by longer acquisition-related tweets by fundamental investors, rather than memes and price trend tweets. These findings suggest that social media signals can be important for corporate decisions.
Abstract. Social media has become an integral part of the financial information environment, changing the way financial information is produced, consumed and distributed. This article surveys the financial social media literature, distinguishing between research using social media as a lens to shed light on more general financial behavior and research exploring the effects of social media on financial markets. We also review the social media data landscape.
Journal of Financial Economics. August 2024. Vol 158. Article 103870. Editor's Choice.
Best Paper Award in Honor of Jack Brick, 11th Michigan State FCU Conference.
Best Paper Award in Investments and Asset Pricing, 2023 Midwest Finance Association Conference
Abstract. We examine social media attention and sentiment from three major platforms: Twitter, StockTwits, and Seeking Alpha. We find that, even after controlling for firm disclosures and news, attention is highly correlated across platforms, but sentiment is not: its first principal component explains little more variation than purely idiosyncratic sentiment. Using market events, we attribute differences across platforms to differences in users (e.g., professionals vs. novices) and differences in platform design (e.g., character limits in posts). We also find that sentiment and attention contain different return-relevant information. Sentiment predicts positive next-day returns, but attention predicts negative next-day returns. These results highlight the importance of distinguishing between social media sentiment and attention across different investor social media platforms. In the burgeoning social finance literature, nearly all papers examine single platforms; our paper cautions that attention-related results from these papers are more likely to generalize than results concerning sentiment.
Echo chambers (with Joey Engelberg and Will Mullins).
NASDAQ Award for Best Paper in Asset Pricing at the 2021 Western Finance Association Conference.
Best Paper in Markets and Trading at the 2021 Midwest Finance Association Conference.
2023 Kahle Family Research Award (awarded for best paper at Leeds School published in 2023).
First Prize 2021 CQA Academic Competition.
Abstract. We find evidence of selective exposure to confirmatory information among 400,000 users on the investor social network StockTwits. Self-described bulls are 5 times more likely to follow a user with a bullish view of the same stock than self-described bears. Consequently, bulls see 62 more bullish messages and 24 fewer bearish messages than bears over the same 50-day period. These “echo chambers” exist even among professional investors and are strongest for investors who trade on their beliefs. Finally, beliefs formed in echo chambers are associated with lower ex-post returns, more siloing of information and more trading volume.
Abstract. Using individual credit bureau data matched with cash windfalls from fracking, we estimate that windfall recipients reduce debt-to-income by 2.4 percentage points relative to no-windfall controls. Debt repayment effects are 3 times stronger for subprime individuals than for prime individuals. Based on the timing of upfront versus continuing cash payments, debt repayment coincides with the timing of payments but not with news about future payments. These findings present a challenge for purely forward-looking models of debt. Indeed, when we incorporate a windfall shock into a forward-looking model, the model predicts an increase in debt that runs counter to our evidence of debt repayment.
Abstract. We study the effect of personal wealth on entrepreneurial decisions using data on mineral payments from Texas shale drilling to individuals throughout the United States. Large cash windfalls increase business formation by 0.8 to 2.1 percentage points, but do not affect transitions to self-employment. By contrast, cash windfalls significantly extend self-employment spells, but do not affect the duration of business ownership. Our findings help reconcile contrasting findings in prior work: liquidity constraints have different effects on entrepreneurial activity that may depend on the entrepreneur’s motivations.
A text-based analysis of corporate innovation (with Gustaf Bellstam and Sanjai Bhagat).
Management Science. Vol 67, No 7 (July 2021), pp. 4004-4031. SSRN. MS.
Outstanding Paper in Corporate Finance at the 2017 Midwest Finance Association Conference.
Featured Article in July 2021 Issue. Management Science Review.
Abstract. We develop a new measure of innovation using the text of analyst reports of S&P 500 firms. Our text-based measure gives a useful description of innovation by firms with and without patenting and R&D (research and development). For nonpatenting firms, the measure identifies innovative firms that adopt novel technologies and innovative business practices (e.g., Walmart’s cross-geography logistics). For patenting firms, the text-based measure strongly correlates with valuable patents, which likely capture true innovation. The text-based measure robustly forecasts greater firm performance and growth opportunities for up to four years, and these value implications hold just as strongly for innovative nonpatenting firms.
Abstract. Using a tractable structural model of the matching equilibrium between underwriters and equity-issuing firms, we study the determinants of value in underwriter–firm relationships. Our estimates imply that high underwriter prestige is associated with 5.3%–14.1% greater equilibrium surplus. According to the structural model, high prestige exhibits a significant certification effect throughout the sample (1985–2010), but there is also a countervailing effect of underwriter prestige that reflects subscriber preferences for more underpricing. Consistent with trading off profits from issuers and subscribers, high-prestige underwriters underprice more in hot markets when rents to catering to subscribers are greatest.
Does partisanship shape investor beliefs? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic (with Joey Engelberg and Will Mullins). SSRN. SocArXiv. RAPS
Review of Asset Pricing Studies. Vol 10, No 4 (December 2020), pp. 863-893
Mentions: Marginal Revolution, CU Boulder Today, Daily Camera / BizWest, 630 KHOW Interview.
Abstract. We use party-identifying language—like “liberal media” and “MAGA”—to identify Republican users on the investor social platform StockTwits. Using a difference-in-difference design, we find that partisan Republicans remain relatively unfazed in their beliefs about equities during the COVID-19 pandemic, while other users become considerably more pessimistic. In cross-sectional tests, we find Republicans become relatively more optimistic about stocks that suffered the most during the COVID-19 crisis, but more pessimistic about Chinese stocks. Finally, stocks with the greatest partisan disagreement on StockTwits have significantly more trading in the broader market, explaining 28% of the increase in stock turnover during the pandemic.
Abstract. We study sources of investor disagreement using sentiment of investors from a social media investing platform, combined with information on the users' investment approaches (e.g., technical, fundamental). We examine how much of overall disagreement is driven by different information sets versus differential interpretation of information by studying disagreement within and across investment approaches. Overall disagreement is evenly split between both sources of disagreement, but within-group disagreement is more tightly related to trading volume than cross-group disagreement. Although both sources of disagreement are important, our findings suggest that information differences are more important for trading than differences across market approaches.
Growing up without finance (with James R. Brown and Rawley Z. Heimer)
Journal of Financial Economics. Vol 134, No 3 (December 2019), pp. 591-616. SSRN.JFE.
One of Top 100 Papers in the Financial Times List of Business School Research with Social Impact.
Finalist for 2021 TIAA Paul A. Samuelson Award.
Mentions: PBS Newshour - Making Sense, CU Boulder Today, Science Daily, The Conversation, NPR, 1190 Radio
Abstract. Early life exposure to local financial institutions increases household financial inclusion and leads to long-term improvements in consumer credit outcomes. We identify the effect of local financial markets using Congressional legislation that led to unintended differences in financial market development across Native American reservations. Individuals from financially underdeveloped reservations enter consumer credit markets later, and upon reaching adulthood, have ten point lower credit scores and four percentage point more delinquent accounts. These effects are long-lived and depreciate slowly after individuals move to more developed areas. Formative exposures to local banking improve consumer credit behavior by increasing financial literacy and financial trust.
Abstract. This paper provides novel evidence that stronger contract enforcement mitigates holdup in business investment decisions using stark, externally imposed variation in contract enforcement across Native American reservations. My tests focus on the golf course industry. A high degree of sunk costs and long investment horizons in this industry make it naturally subject to the classical holdup problem. I find that state courts, which provide stronger contract enforcement than do tribal courts, lead to at least 27% more golf courses, with greater effects in areas with greater natural amenities. These findings suggest that courts play an important role in facilitating the oft-discussed contractual solutions to the holdup problem.
When saving is gambling.
Journal of Financial Economics. Vol 129, No 1 (July 2018), pp. 24-45. SSRN. JFE.
Talk of the Town Award at the 2015 Finance Down Under Conference
Media Mentions: The Daily Northwestern, The Conversation, Longmont Times Call
Abstract. Prize-linked savings (PLS) accounts, which allocate interest using lottery payments rather than fixed interest, encourage savings by appealing to households’ gambling preferences. I introduce new data on casino cash withdrawals to measure gambling, and examine how individual gambling expenditures respond to the introduction of PLS in Nebraska using a difference-in-differences design. After PLS is introduced, individuals who live in counties that offer PLS reduce gambling by at least 3% more than unaffected individuals. The substitution effect is stronger in low-frills gambling environments, which most resemble PLS, indicating that these accounts fulfill the desire to gamble.
Abstract. Using new data on entry plans into the American casino industry, I find that incumbent firms invest in physical capacity when threatened with a nearby entry plan, and these strategic investments deter eventual entry. Consistent with an entry-deterrence motive, incumbents respond to the threat of entry when entry is uncertain, but not when entry is assured. The average capacity expansion of 2,300 square feet is associated with a 6.8-percentage-point greater likelihood that the entry plan fails. These findings show that investments in deterrence are viable, especially when new entrants face other significant barriers to entry.
Abstract. This paper provides novel evidence on the real and financial market effects of legal institutions. Our analysis exploits persistent and externally imposed differences in court enforcement that arose when the U.S. Congress assigned state courts to adjudicate contracts on a subset of Native American reservations. Using area-specific data on small business lending, we find that reservations assigned to state courts, which enforce contracts more predictably than tribal courts, have stronger credit markets. Moreover, the law-driven component of credit market development is associated with significantly higher per capita income, with stronger effects in sectors that depend more on external financing.
Courting economic development (with James R. Brown and Rawley Z. Heimer).
World Bank Economic Review. Vol 30, No Supp 1 (March 2017). WBER.
Abstract. We show that court enforcement uncertainty hinders economic development using sharp variation in judiciaries across Native American reservations in the United States. Congressional legislation passed in 1953 assigned state courts the authority to resolve civil disputes on a subset of reservations, while tribal courts retained authority on unaffected reservations. Although affected and unaffected reservations had similar economic conditions when the law passed, reservations under state courts experienced significantly greater long-run growth. When we examine the distribution of incomes across reservations, the average difference in development is due to the lower incomes of the most impoverished reservations with tribal courts. We show that the relative under-development of reservations with tribal courts is driven by reservations with the most uncertainty in court enforcement.
Abstract. This paper empirically investigates the effect of leverage on strategic preemption. Using new data on entry plans and incumbent investments from the American casino industry, I find that high leverage prevents incumbents from responding to entry threats. Facing the same set of entry plans, low-leverage incumbents expand physical capacity (by 30%), whereas high-leverage incumbents do not. This difference in investment matters because capacity installations preempt eventual entry. Stock market reactions to withdrawn plans imply that effective preemption increases incumbent firm value by 5%. My findings suggest that leverage matters for industry composition, not just firm-level investment.
Abstract. We provide new estimates of merger value creation by exploiting revealed preferences of merging banks within a matching market framework. We find that merger value arises from cost efficiencies in overlapping markets, relaxing of regulation, and network effects exhibited by the acquirer-target matching. Beyond our findings, the revealed preference method has notable advantages that warrant its application beyond the bank merger market. Notably, we show that the method outperforms reduced form alternatives out of sample, enables sensible counterfactual experiments, and can be used to evaluate private-to-private mergers, which have been understudied because of lack of stock market data.
Institutions and casinos: An empirical analysis of the location of Indian casinos.
Journal of Law and Economics. Vol 53, No. 4 (November 2010), pp. 651-687. Jstor.
Abstract. This paper empirically investigates the institutional determinants of whether a tribal government invests in a casino. I find that the presence of Indian casinos is strongly related to plausibly exogenous variation in reservations’ legal and political institutions. Tribal governments that can negotiate gaming compacts with multiple state governments, because tribal lands span state borders, had more than twice the estimated probability (.77 versus .32) of operating an Indian casino in 1999. Tribal governments of reservations where contracts are adjudicated in state courts, rather than tribal courts, have more than twice the estimated probability (.76 versus .34) of investing in an Indian casino, ceteris paribus. These findings suggest that states’ political pressures and predictable judiciaries affect incentives to invest in casinos. This study contributes, more generally, to the empirical literature on the effects of institutions by providing new evidence that low-cost contracting is important for taking advantage of substantial investment opportunities.
At Leeds School of Business (2013 - present)
Quantitative Methods (MSBC 5030 -- a master's statistics and programming course). Summers 2015--2017, Fall 2018--Fall 2023
Investments (MBAX 6200 -- a MS finance course). Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2021.
Foundations of Financial Analysis (FNCE 2010 -- a calculus and statistics course). Spring 2018 Term (2 Sections).
Empirical Methods in Finance (FNCE 7200 -- a doctoral research seminar). Spring 2016, Spring 2018.
Investments (FNCE 3030 -- an undergraduate finance course). Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016.
Managerial Economics (MSBC 5015 -- a master's of finance core course). Summer 2015.
I taught extensively at UChicago while pursuing my Ph.D. I self-published a textbook from notes I developed while teaching at Montana State University. I did the same with some econometrics notes I developed while teaching Honors Econometrics at UChicago. Here's a free link to my honors metrics notes. In addition, you might find my YouTube channel interesting or useful.
Other Academic Activities
Director of the Financial Research Association (since 2023)
Editor at Review of Corporate Finance Studies (since July 2024)
Associate Editor at Journal of Financial Economics (since July 2021), Management Science (since March 2024), and Financial Management (since 2022)
Organizer of Finance in the Cloud, a series of virtual conferences.
Co-founder of the Colorado Finance Summit
Past Director of the MS in Finance program at CU Boulder (Fall 2018-Spring 2024)
Past Co-director of Consumer Financial Decision Making Center (Fall 2018-Spring 2023)
Miscellaneous and Personal
Economist: Tie between Ronald Coase and Gary Becker.
Band: Matchbox 20.
Movie: Forrest Gump.
City: London
Special Administrative Region: Hong Kong
US State (outside of Colorado): Montana
Spotify: Hot Country, Eminem Hits, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift
Sport: The Sport of Fitness.